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Dan & Norma McCabe's 1969 Sportsroof
Dan & Norma McCabe's 2008 Shelby GT Convertible.
Robin Paulsell's 64 1/2 Mustang Coupe
Robin Paulsell's 2015 GT MI 50TH
Robin Paulsell's 84 1/2 GT350 20th Anniversary Edition Convertible
Robin Paulsell's 1989 Mustang GT Convertible
Robin Paulsell's 2005 GT
.Liz and Larry Tunac's 2006 GT
Tammy Robinette,s 65 Mustang Coupe
Kirk Stafford's 1965 Fastback
Kirk stafford's 2007
John & Lisa Rose 1966 Coupe
Dan & Cristy Cordeiro's 1964 1/2 Conv.
DanChristyCordeiro's Mustang Jr
Kathy Pickering’s 1969 Shelby GT 350
Sue Calvert's 2012 Convertible
Bill & Judy Davis 2012 5.0
Chris & Melinda Barkman’s 1968 Fastback
Dave York's 1992 LX Coupe
Dave York's 1966 Fastback
Richard Hoha’s 1964 1/2 Convertible
Joel Edelmanns 66 Convertible.
Sally Wright's 2014 Ruby Red Convertible