GHMC Member Cars

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Bill Banovitz
1970 Boss 429
Cat Banovitz
1994 Indy Pace Car
Cat Banovitz
2007 Shelby GT 500

Dan & Norma McCabe's
1969 Sportsroof

Dan & Norma McCabe's 2008 Shelby Gt &1969 Sportsroof

Dan & Norma McCabe's
2008 Shelby GT

Brian Evans
68 Shelby Conv
Brian Evans
1967 GT Fastback
Brian Evans
1967 Coupe
Shelby Taylor's 67 Shelb y Peter & Lisa Mitsopoulos
07 Shelby Gt500 (Maggie) 
Mike and Loretta McCalmont's 2017 Mustang GT 5.0
Terry & ILeine Burke's Green 1968 Coupe Terry & Ileine Burke's Red 1968 Coupe Terry & Ileine Burke's 2025 Mustang GT 5.0 Michelle Bauer's 2018 Mustang GT John & Lisa Rose
1966 Coupe
Ron & Liz Normandin's 1968 GT/ CS

.Liz and Larry Tunac's 2006 GT

Tammy Robinette,s 65 Mustang Coupe

Kirk Stafford's
1965 Fastback

Kirk stafford's 2007

Bill & Judy Davis
2012 5.0

Pat Sivigliano 1965 Fastback

Dan & Cristy Cordeiro's 1964 1/2 Conv.

DanChristyCordeiro's Mustang Jr

Kathy Pickering’s 1969 Shelby GT 350

Sue Calvert's 2012 Convertible

Joel Edelmanns 66 Convertible.

Charles & Karen Shepard's 1966 Coupe

Chris & Melinda Barkman’s 1968 Fastback

Dave York's 1992 LX Coupe

Dave York's
1966 Fastback

Richard Hoha’s 1964 1/2 Convertible

Bob and Mari Harans 65 Convertible

Mikal and Kitty Brevig.s 68 Coupe
Robert Fentress 2015 4 Cyl Ecoboost Mustang

Sally Wright's 2014 Ruby Red Convertible

Charles & Karen Shepard's 2010 George and Christine Pezzolo's 1966 Coupe George Pezzolo's 2006 Mustang Gt Chuck & Shannon Hodger's 2008 Shelby GT 500
Jerry and Cyndy Lamphiear’s 1969 Mach 1 Nicole Herman's
1968 Coupe
Keith Wilsons 2010 Mustang GT Bob & Kathy Loya’s 1968 CS/GT Mustang Nick Loya's 2024 CS/Gt Mustang Scott Paullin's 2008 CS/GT Mustang
Rob Lo's 1967 Coupe Jeff Channell's 1965 Mustang Convertible Cliff Wilson's 'YLRPONY' Clif Wilson’s 1970 Coupe - Frankenstang Mike & Loretta McCalmont's
1965 Conv.
Tom & Sue Breslin's 2012 Convertible
Kai Pomereinke 1965 Coupe Paul and Alice's 2017 Mustang GT Tom & Sue Breslin's 2007 GT Joe Holecek's 2009 Shelby GT500 KR Joe and Tammy Holecek's 1991 5.0 LX Hatchback Drake Wilson’s ‘91 V-8 5-Speed Foxbody
Raul and Anna Anaya's 1925 Model T